
OSRS Questing Services
Quest NamePrice (M)
Below Ice Mountain6m
Black Knights' Fortress4m
Cook's Assistant3m
The Corsair Curse6m
Demon Slayer5m
Doric's Quest3m
Dragon Slayer I8m
Ernest the Chicken7m
Goblin Diplomacy3m
Imp Catcher3m
The Knight's Sword5m
Misthalin Mystery7m
Pirate's Treasure5m
Prince Ali Rescue6m
The Restless Ghost3m
Romeo & Juliet4m
Rune Mysteries4m
Sheep Shearer5m
Shield of Arrav6m
Vampyre Slayer4m
Witch's Potion4m
X Marks the Spot4m
Animal Magnetism7m
Another Slice of H.A.M.7m
The Ascent of Arceuus7m
Beneath Cursed Sands15m
Between a Rock...13m
Big Chompy Bird Hunting7m
Bone Voyage8m
Cabin Fever8m
Client of Kourend7m
Clock Tower6m
Cold War9m
Creature of Fenkenstrain7m
Darkness of Hallowvale15m
Death Plateau6m
Death to the Dorgeshuun7m
The Depths of Despair6m
Desert Treasure I40m
Desert Treasure II80m
Devious Minds10m
The Dig Site8m
Dragon Slayer II45m
Dream Mentor12m
Druidic Ritual6m
Dwarf Cannon6m
Eadgar's Ruse10m
Eagles' Peak8m
Elemental Workshop I6m
Elemental Workshop II6m
Enakhra's Lament7m
Enlightened Journey7m
The Eyes of Glouphrie6m
Fairytale I7m
Fairytale II8m
Family Crest6m
The Feud10m
Fight Arena6m
Fishing Contest4m
Forgettable Tale...11m
The Forsaken Tower7m
The Fremennik Exiles12m
The Fremennik Isles10m
The Fremennik Trials12m
The Garden of Death12m
Garden of Tranquillity12m
Gertrude's Cat6m
Getting Ahead6m
Ghosts Ahoy9m
The Giant Dwarf9m
The Golem9m
The Grand Tree8m
The Great Brain Robbery9m
Grim Tales10m
The Hand in the Sand6m
Haunted Mine7m
Hazeel Cult6m
Heroes' Quest10m
Holy Grail8m
Horror from the Deep6m
Icthlarin's Little Helper9m
In Aid of the Myreque13m
In Search of the Myreque10m
Jungle Potion7m
King's Ransom9m
A Kingdom Divided16m
Land of the Goblins15m
Legends' Quest16m
Lost City17m
The Lost Tribe7m
Lunar Diplomacy16m
Making Friends with My Arm8m
Making History7m
Merlin's Crystal6m
Monk's Friend6m
Monkey Madness I40m
Monkey Madness II50m
Mountain Daughter8m
Mourning's End Part I10m
Mourning's End Part II36m
Murder Mystery6m
My Arm's Big Adventure9m
Nature Spirit6m
A Night at the Theatre13m
Observatory Quest7m
Olaf's Quest8m
One Small Favour13m
The Path of Glouphrie7m
Plague City6m
A Porcine of Interest7m
Priest in Peril7m
The Queen of Thieves7m
Rag and Bone Man I9m
Rag and Bone Man II32m
Recipe for Disaster29m
Recipe for Disaster/Another Cook's Quest3m
Recipe for Disaster/Defeating the Culinaromancer9m
Recipe for Disaster/Freeing Evil Dave6m
Recipe for Disaster/Freeing King Awowogei10m
Recipe for Disaster/Freeing Pirate Pete6m
Recipe for Disaster/Freeing Sir Amik Varze9m
Recipe for Disaster/Freeing Skrach Uglogwee11m
Recipe for Disaster/Freeing the Goblin generals6m
Recipe for Disaster/Freeing the Lumbridge Guide6m
Recipe for Disaster/Freeing the Mountain Dwarf6m
Recruitment Drive6m
Roving Elves9m
Royal Trouble8m
Rum Deal8m
Scorpion Catcher9m
Sea Slug8m
Secrets of the North25m
Shades of Mort'ton8m
Shadow of the Storm8m
Sheep Herder6m
Shilo Village9m
Sins of the Father20m
Sleeping Giants6m
The Slug Menace9m
Song of the Elves47m
A Soul's Bane11m
A Tail of Two Cats13m
Spirits of the Elid8m
Swan Song10m
Tai Bwo Wannai Trio8m
Tale of the Righteous8m
A Taste of Hope13m
Tears of Guthix4m
Temple of Ikov8m
Temple of the Eye9m
Throne of Miscellania12m
The Tourist Trap8m
Tower of Life8m
Tree Gnome Village6m
Tribal Totem6m
Troll Romance8m
Troll Stronghold6m
Underground Pass17m
Waterfall Quest6m
What Lies Below8m
Witch's House6m
Zogre Flesh Eaters8m
Alfred Grimhand's Barcrawl6m
Architectural Alliance6m
Bear Your Soul9m
Curse of the Empty Lord15m
Daddy's Home8m
The Enchanted Key11m
Enter the Abyss6m
Family Pest6m
The Frozen Door25m
The General's Shadow9m
His Faithful Servants8m
Hopespear's Will9m
In Search of Knowledge25m
Into the Tombs7m
Lair of Tarn Razorlor7m
Mage Arena I13m
Mage Arena II25m
Skippy and the Mogres5m
While Guthix Sleeps75m
Defender of Varrock15m
Perilous Moons25m